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        Good water machine chooses Yong Chen to enjoy healthy life.
        Service hotline:400-8925-988
        • Excellent material, sturdy and durable
        • Fashion design, beautiful and generous
        • Multistage filtration, healthy water quality
        • Intelligent control, automatic operation
        • Multiple protection, safe and secure
        • saving electricity and saving money
        about us
        • Guangdong Shunde Yongchen Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer of stainless steel energy saving drinking water dispenser, kindergarten drinking water dispenser, stepping commercial water disp
        • In March 2006, Yongchen Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. in Shunde District, Foshan City was formally established
        • Yongchen Company has passed the ISO9001 quality system certification, ISO14001 environmental system certification, products with 3C, CQC, wading approval and other domestic and foreign authoritative certification system certificate.
        • Yongchen has won the award with its leading technology, high-quality products and efficient services: high-tech enterprises, quality brand excellent teacher units, industry top ten brand units, well-known brand demonstration enterprises, quality and reput
        • Don't forget to build a dream together
        • Yongchen drinking water equipment-strength witness quality
        • company address
          8 Fuxing Road, Fuan Industrial Zone, Leliu, Foshan
        • company tel
        • company fax
        WeChat:Yongchen energy
        Scan to learn more about the update consultation!

        Guangdong shunde yongchen energy-saving and environmental protection equipment

        manufacturing co., LTD.& have spentFiling number: 2, no.11085417, guangdong ICP backup

        技術(shù)支持 英銘科技
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            蒲江县| 秭归县| 安国市| 宁河县| 文山县| 浪卡子县| 集安市| 富蕴县| 微博| 右玉县| 襄城县| 临洮县| 合川市| 晴隆县| 望城县| 冕宁县| 车险| 通城县| 嘉定区| 遵化市| 尉犁县| 修文县| 苏州市| 中宁县| 遂溪县| 德令哈市| 柘荣县| 宝兴县| 长岭县| 同德县| 诸暨市| 收藏| 德格县| 昆明市| 洛南县| 桓仁| 新密市| 阳城县| 邵武市| 井冈山市| 白山市| http://444 http://444 http://444